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BODYPUMP™ is THE ORIGINAL BARBELL CLASS™, the ideal workout for anyone looking to get lean, toned and fit – fast.

Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BODYPUMP gives you a total body workout. It will burn up to 400 calories**. Instructors will coach you through the scientifically-backed moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than on your own! You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more. 



Yoga is an ancient practice that brings together mind and body. It incorporates breathing exercises, meditation and poses designed to encourage relaxation and reduce stress.

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Zumba is a high-energy group fitness class that can burn upwards of 500 calories in a one-hour session! Zumba was born out of a love of Latin music and dancing, intended to make fitness more fun and enjoyable.

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Body Combat

Step into a BODYCOMBAT workout and you’ll punch and kick your way to fitness, burning up to 570 calories** along the way. This high-energy martial-arts inspired workout is totally non-contact and there are no complex moves to master. A LES MILLS™ instructor will challenge you to up the intensity and motivate you to make the most of every round. You’ll release stress, have a blast and feel like a champ.



Mat Pilates is a strengthening and lengthening form of exercise that focuses on your core  muscles while also training your arms and legs. Mat Pilates can be modified for any age, body, or fitness level.

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Coastline Core

Inspired by elite athletic training principles, LES MILLS CORE™ is a scientific core workout for incredible core tone and sports performance. You build strength, stability and endurance in the muscles that support your core, improve balance, assist injury prevention, and become better at everything you do.

"All the moves in LES MILLS CORE have options, so it’s challenging but achievable whatever your level of fitness. During the workout, trained Instructors guide you through correct technique as you work with resistance tubes and weight plates, as well as bodyweight exercises like crunches, and hovers. Plus there are some hip, butt and lower back exercises too.

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BODYJAM ™ is a dance-based workout designed to get you moving fast and working your body. Taking inspiration from dancers all over the world, and mixing it up with House, Hip-hop, Drum ‘n’ Bass, Trap and all styles of electronic dance music, BODYJAM brings a dose of soul to your studio. At the same time, it’s a killer workout that burns calories and builds cardio fitness with every class.